![]() 06/19/2017 at 11:43 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I was at this intersection. I was the silver rectangle and a truck was the red rectangle. Our lights went green and I turned left into the nearest lane while the truck turned right into his farthest lane. I stopped he beeped and then he gestured out the window at me at the next light.
I feel like truck guy should have turned into the right most lane and then signal to get over. Am I right? Am I right but should have know better than to think truck guy would also do the right thing?
![]() 06/19/2017 at 11:47 |
Pretty sure that this is an easy one, and that he fucked up.
You go to the near lane.
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You were right and he was wrong. If he wants to get into that far lane before you he should do so FAST enough that it doesn’t impact you.
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you were right but the next time just block the entire intersection
![]() 06/19/2017 at 11:53 |
The truck making the right turn has right of way in this situation, but should have stayed in his closest lane. Otherwise that would be changing lanes in an intersection which is probably a traffic violation in your state. That being said, you should have yielded to him if both lights were green.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 11:53 |
In Texas, I’m pretty sure you’d be in the wrong. Turning vehicles are allowed any lane, and traffic without the right of way must wait for them.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 11:54 |
You’re in the clear.
Fwiw, when I took drivers ed I was told that you can turn at the same time, you are allowed , there’s nothing illegal about it... but don’t, because everyone else is an idiot.
Drivers ed in Ontario is BS, it’s main purpose is the insurance discount, but I had a good in-class guy :)
![]() 06/19/2017 at 11:54 |
I think you’re being too idealistic. You were
to turn into your nearest lane, as you did, and he was
to turn into his nearest lane. I think that’s even a traffic law in my state. But usually nobody does that, because most drivers suck; they swing wide across multiple lanes when taking a turn, thus saving the onerous effort of rotating the steering wheel 30° instead of 15°. As far as the guy honking and gesturing, fuck him and his stupid fucking truck, dipshit should learn to drive.
Nevertheless, you should have anticipated it; you should have said to yourself “betcha this jerk’s gonna cut me off.” Not a day goes by when I don’t have to avoid some imbecile in traffic, even if I clearly have the right-of-way and he doesn’t, but I see ‘em coming and get out of the way.
I blame the cell phone and the automatic transmission; nobody pays attention to driving any more.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 11:56 |
If it’s a standard green light, left turn would yield to oncoming traffic going straight or turning right. In that case, you are wrong
If you have a green arrow for the left and he proceeded on red after stopping, he was wrong
If you both have green arrows for turns, that intersection is totally fucked
![]() 06/19/2017 at 11:56 |
You fucked up, right turn has the right of way. He can pick whatever lane he likes.
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I’ve wondered about this sort of thing, too. Of course the truck should get to go “first”, but if both vehicles are supposed to take the nearest lane, then it really shouldn’t be a problem if both go at the same time. It’s not a right-of-way conflict because your paths shouldn’t be crossing.
Unless by “truck”, you meant a large semi that needed to turn wide to clear the curb (which appears to have been generously rounded off here)...
![]() 06/19/2017 at 11:57 |
But I was a turning vehicle as well.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 11:58 |
You should have followed him to his destination, dug your key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive, carved your name into his leather seats, took a Louisville slugger to both head lights, and slashed a hole in all four tires. Maybe next time he’ll think before he cheats on changing lanes.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 11:58 |
I think this is where I’ve landed after all of this.
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Trucks have wider turning radii. Also, left turns should yield to right turns. He was right to honk at you.
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But he was making a right turn, and thus had right of way. Unless you had a green arrow, in which case you had right of way and he was wrong for not yielding to you.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:00 |
You turned left, it’s your obligation to yield. If it was a reticulated trailer he may not have been able to make the right into the first lane. If you were ahead of the truck (meaning he could comfortably see you going left across his field of view before he started turning) and he hit you anyways then it’s on him. It’s a question of who got there first, but tie goes to the truck.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:00 |
Unless you have a left arrow, left turns always lose.
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Right turn has the right of way almost always
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Nah just a pickemup truck
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In basketball parlance, you have to establish you were in a legal guarding position because you’re the defender.
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Just a regular truck and no one hit anyone.
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If a pickup is having trouble staying in his lane through a right turns, the fault isn’t with the truck... unless it’s in a really tight residential area with a huge-ass truck. Doesn’t apply here. Lots of room, and the turn is actually less than 90 degrees for him.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:03 |
Even when there are two lanes in the road we are turning into?
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:03 |
you are (probably) 100% correct. I see this same dumb shit and understand how there are 1000's of hits on youtube for ‘dumb drivers’
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This. He doesn’t mention having a protected turn, in which case all bets are off. Left-turners must yield the right of way to oncoming traffic, whether said oncoming traffic is signaling a turn, waving at you, or doing the hokey pokey.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:04 |
Turning into the nearest lane, yet another unenforced law, but heaven forbid you go 10 over.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:05 |
yeah. this one’s on you. he’s turning right from a single lane, it’s his choice which lane he picks to turn onto. you- as the left-turning vehicle- have to yield to him.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:05 |
I said this in another reply already, but I’ll repeat it .
Unless you have a green arrow, left turns always lose.
While I agree with the “he should have taken the first lane,” he was making a right on green and can do whatever the fuck he wants because he has the right of way.
I’m not even sure I would have blown the horn if I was in your shoes, since that left turn didn’t have the right of way.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:05 |
There are two lanes. You’re supposed to turn into the lane you came from (eg left turn lane turns into left turn, right lane to right lane, if there are multiple left turn lanes the lane second from the left turns into the lane second from the left). The conflict here is squarely on the pickup.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:06 |
The turning into the nearest lane thing differs by jurisdiction, you’d have to look it up. Depending on the local laws you may technically be in the right or you may not be when it comes to a police infraction. Generally, though, left turn yields to right and if you were to have been in a wreck a civil jury would likely put fault at 100% on you regardless of the actual law on the book. Best you could have hoped for would be a 50-50 split fault if you had a good lawyer and a sympathetic jury/judge. Dealt with these all the time back in the day.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:07 |
I think some people literally can’t do two things at once. This dude got enough speed up to stay out of the way but didn’t turn. Then turned but wouldn’t accelerate.
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It depends on what state you live in. Not all states actually mandate the “turn to the closest lane” thing. Instead it’s just “safely turn into whatever lane is open” as shown below:
Also, in general, when a traffic signal is a solid green (no protected turn left arrow), it is the responsibility of the driver turning left to yield to opposing traffic that is going straight or turning right.
So, you might’ve actually been in the wrong because the truck, turning right, had the right-of-way unless you had a protected green arrow.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:07 |
I didn’t honk I just slowed so he could go. He honked and swerved into the right lane.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:08 |
Ideally, it would have been nice for the tuck driver to turn into his nearest lane and stay out of your way but I don’t think he has any legal obligation to do so. Hypothetically, he might need to turn left in the near future. The sad truth is that if you’re turning left at an intersection without a turn arrow, you must yield to everyone.
I feel like this issue came up somewhat recently either on here or the FP. I’ll see if I can find it.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:09 |
when turning from a single turn lane, I don’t believe there is any obligation to select a particular lane to turn into.
it’s different with multiple turn lanes, like this one at 11 Mile & Van Dyke:
the dashed line means the vehicle in the rightmost right turn lane on 11 mile is obligated to turn into the rightmost lane on Van Dyke. I believe the vehicle in the next lane (the thru-or-right turn) lane has choice of either of the other two lanes on Van Dyke.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:09 |
This appears to vary be jurisdiction. Where I am you’re always supposed to turn into the lane corresponding to the one you’re coming from.
Eg left turn lane turns into left turn, right lane to right lane, if there are multiple left turn lanes the lane second from the left turns into the lane second from the left.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:10 |
Nope. The conflict, unfortunately, is on calzone for not yielding the right-of-way. As others have mentioned, left turners always have to yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic unless they have a protected signal. As for which lane a turner has to turn into, that varies by state.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:10 |
I regret I have but one star
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:10 |
You were making a left turn. In any jurisdiction I’m aware of, left-turning vehicles never have right-of-way over through traffic or oncoming traffic turning right. Only exception is when you’re making a “protected” left turn (green turn arrow.)
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:11 |
Except as I say, in some jurisdictions (including mine), you are explicitly allowed to turn to any lane (when there is only a single turn lane). Yes, it would absolutely make more sense to require drivers to turn into the nearest lane, but that is not the law here, and if you don’t yield, you will both be hit, and be at fault for it.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:11 |
It’s legal in Texas. (The changing lanes thing).
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![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:12 |
Sorry, I read it too quickly. I thought you beeped.
I would not have beeped in his shoes either, because he
have selected the near lane.
If you two would have hit each other, it would be your fault here in my state.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:12 |
Not always true. My local PD has been on TV and the front page of the newspaper recently because they are cracking down on people not turning into the nearest lane.
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Driver’s ed was a couple decades ago.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:13 |
I’m not sure how it varies state to state, but the truck had right of way for any available lane according to California law.
Basically, if two lanes are turning right into three, lane 2 must take lane 3, but lane 1 can take 1 or 2. If they’re turning left, lane 1 must take 1, and 2 can take 2 or 3.
The “he must take the inner most lane and then do individual lane changes” idea would make some intersections have completely impossible routes. An example of this is a hotel I stayed at:
To exit the freeway, turn right to the #3 lane, and then proceed to do five lane changes in about 300 feet in order to get into the left turn lane would require the car moving at a snail’s pace.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:14 |
Well in that case he would have been required (in my state, anyway) to aim for the right-most lane until he had completed his turn. After clearing the intersection, he would be permitted to merge into the left lane, but only after signalling his intention to do so .
So I think the presence of an extra available lane should have been enough to give you clearance to proceed. But that’s just my opinion. The law doesn’t necessarily protect you here so much as it condemns the truck driver.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:14 |
In retrospect it was the wrong maneuver to make even if I was 100% legally in the right.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:17 |
OK, I was totally wrong, at least about Michigan. Went to find the basic driver’s manual, and here it states:
One serving of crow, please!
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:17 |
Turns out I was wrong anyway, must be me who has to go back:
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oops, I’m wrong
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I accept your star with all the humility I can muster by stealing bad song lyrics and adapting them to my nefarious ways.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:19 |
There is still a requirement to hug the nearest lane when turning, but by saying “as close as practicable”, they’re leaving some wiggle room for large vehicles that simply can’t make sharp turns.
I love those curved guides, though. They make things much more obvious for everyone to see which lane to take.
EDIT: Just caught your second reply. Yeah, good catch.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:20 |
No one needs to eat crow that can research and admit to being wrong of their own free will.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:23 |
Quick read says, were there a wreck, Cop could have given a ticket to either or both of you (you for not yielding to a recognizable immediate hazard, them for not turning as near as practicable to the right curb). What they’d actually do probably depends on the unwritten etiquette up there and who was a dick when he’s trying to sort out what happened.
Again, though, jury is assigning fault 100% to the left turner 9 out of 10 times and that tenth time they’re assigning split fault (usually weighted 90-10 or 70-30 to the left turner, or maybe...if you’re really lucky...50-50).
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:25 |
This kind of crap happens all the time in Louisiana and I am frequently the victim of it. Who’s the victim? The guy in the truck.
You see, the law here says the person turning left “shall yield the right of way to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction which are within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard.”
Although there are provisions which require the right-turning vehicle to make the turn “as close as practicable” to the right curb, there are plenty of situations where the right-turning vehicle needs to move over a lane and make a left turn shortly after turning right. I also see a lot of left turners who want to make an immediate right, so they drift wide into a different lane. It’s really bad at the intersection near Wal-Mart.
So, in my opinion, left turners need to yield as required by law. It’s pretty frightening to make a right turn and have a left turning vehicle pointed right at your door because they are too impatient to wait their turn.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:28 |
That’s a good point.
What if you DID have a green arrow, and he was making a right on red? While I believe you would come out as the “winner,” if you saw it coming and could prevent it, you both win.
I would have honked the shit out of my horn if that was the case :)
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:28 |
Laws vary by state, but in Texas, you are required to follow the curb on a right turn into the far right lane. Turning left you are allowed to use “any legally available lane.” This comes directly from a county sheriff’s deputy. There might be an argument made that, since you were turning left, you were required to yield the ROW regardless of what lane he turned into.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:32 |
same as Ohio, that’s where I learned to drive and that’s how it is there as well. Ideally you’d both be able to complete your respective turns and be on your way, but you’d probably get hosed due to turning left vs right, but per the law, you’d be covered. But you can’t beat stupid, or physics, so you have to look out for the dummy that doesn’t know how to complete a turn properly.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:35 |
If he’s in one of the states that say “you must turn into lane x” he’s fine. Right of way isn’t a get out of jail free card. They both had a clear lane, one guy wanted two. Going off of Ontario’s rules, since they’re what I’m more familiar with. Here are several fault determination rules I think would come into play.
This section applies with respect to an incident that occurs at an intersection with traffic signals.
If the driver of automobile “B” fails to obey a traffic signal, the driver of automobile “A” is not at fault and the driver of automobile “B” is 100 per cent at fault for the incident.
If it cannot be established whether the driver of either automobile
failed to obey a traffic signal, the driver of each automobile shall be
deemed to be 50 per cent at fault
for the incident.
If the traffic signals at the intersection are inoperative, the degree of fault of the drivers shall be determined as if the intersection were an all-way stop intersection.
The driver of automobile “A” is 100 per cent at fault and the driver of automobile “B” is not at fault for an incident in which automobile “A” collides with automobile “B” when the driver of automobile “A” fails to obey,
a police officer’s direction;
a do not enter sign;
a prohibited passing sign; or
a prohibited turn sign.
For the purposes of this Regulation, a driver is considered to be charged with a driving offence,
(a) if, as a result of the incident, the driver is charged with
operating the automobile while his or her ability to operate the
automobile was impaired by alcohol or a drug;
(b) if, as a result of the incident, the driver is charged with driving while his or
her blood alcohol level exceeded the limits permitted by law;
(c) if, as a result of the incident, the driver is charged with an
indictable offence related to the operation of the automobile;
(d) if the driver, as a result of the incident, is asked to
provide a breath sample and he or she is charged with failing or
refusing to provide the sample;
(e) if, as a result of the incident, the driver is charged with
exceeding the speed limit by sixteen or more kilometres per hour.
The degree of fault of the insured shall be determined in accordance
with the ordinary rules of law, and not in accordance with these rules,
(a) if the driver of automobile “A” involved in the incident is charged with a driving offence; and
(b) if the driver of automobile “B” is wholly or partly at fault,
as otherwise determined under these rules, for the incident.
There is almost nothing that applies directly, but based on these I believe the worst case for Calzone in Ontario (and thus any US state with similar laws regarding what lane to turn into) would be 50/50.
15.3. Gives the 50/50 verdict for an inconclusive result. 15.2., while referring to the signals and not regulations, seem to indicate that if one driver did something contrary to traffic regulations they would be held at fault.
18. While there is no sign present, the law is still in place. Whether that applies to this situation or not is up for debate—I’d think it is. It comes to the same thing, an improper turn.
20.2. Let’s make the truck “Vehicle A”. Calzone is, most likely, going to be labeled partly at fault—at least initially. Part (b), then, is fulfilled. Vehicle A committed a traffic offense. Part (a) fulfilled.
At the end of the day the result depends who you know, who you are, where you live and whether you have evidence. Dashcam footage would be very useful.
I’m going to say that in a state that specifies the lane you turn into, it’s 50/50 or the fault of the truck. If not... it’s the fault of Calzone.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:35 |
Saying something is legal in Texas furthers my belief that said thing should most definitely be illegal elsewhere :P
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:36 |
Yes, in that case Calzone would be at fault.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:40 |
I got this from a Travis County deputy sheriff: Cars turning right must follow the right hand curb, i.e. turn into the right lane. Cars turning left may use “any legally available” lane. I think that statute is only applied at 2 am when the cops are looking for a cheap reason to pull somebody over, but it does exist. Bottom line, I think Calzone was in the wrong for failure to yield ROW while turning left. No matter what lane the truck should have turned into, I think Calzone would have been at fault. But laws vary by state, obviously, and who knows what the cop would have done if they collided.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:41 |
In my experience the being a dick part is huge to the officers on the scene.
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Good for them. Could you send a couple my way please?
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:50 |
Interesting. I swear I read otherwise somewhere but I could be wrong. Certainly the any lane interpretation is what is in popular use. Additionally, when there are two left turn lanes going onto a three lane, they draw the lines so that the right-most turn lane goes to the far lane, and the left-most turn lane gets the others, which is contrary to keeping as close to curb as possible.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:52 |
It’s also legal in California. :)
And if being Texan is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:54 |
I think you are technically right, and both vehicles can make their respective turns into their lanes at the same time.
HOWEVER, in the real world I always avoid this situation and yield to the right turner. I assume other drivers are ignorant of ROW rules, so I’d rather avoid an accident even if I’m not at fault.
And BTW, I’ve been in two accidents in my life, and both were 100% the other driver’s fault due to failure to yield. The fact that I was not at fault does not make the accidents any less painful or inconvenient.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:55 |
You know what always kind of amused me about this song? The fact that she’s essentially singing about committing vandalism. Because the protagonist is a scorned woman it seems okay. If it was a dude singing the song would it be okay?
![]() 06/19/2017 at 12:57 |
I find it hard to fault the protagonist vs. what is clearly a bro-truck, essentially a crime unto all of us. I’m conflicted, now.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 13:00 |
None of that negates the overarching reality that a person turning left has to yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic, whether that traffic is turning right or going straight. You never know, after all, if someone just forgot to turn their blinker off and is really going straight, not turning right.
So, with that in mind, calzone is still the one in the “wrong” here. (Dude in the truck shouldn’t have been a dick after the fact, though).
![]() 06/19/2017 at 13:04 |
I always thought that was the law, good to know it actually is.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 13:08 |
I can live with this evaluation... I know for my part I don’t like turning beside someone else. People suck too much.
I just feel that, from a legal standpoint, it’s at most a 50/50. You can argue all day the shoulds and shouldn’ts, but at the end of it he did make a right turn, incorrectly. In other words, he collided with someone through failure to stay in his lane.
But whatever that may or may not be I can get on board the “shouldn’t have taken the chance” train.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 13:29 |
Fair - however, the pickup clarification was added after my comment. And right turns still have right of way over left.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 13:33 |
I guess withball traffic rules/regs YMMV. I hope tailgating and left lane camping have been cured at least.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 13:34 |
Right of way isn’t a get out of jail free card. It should even be coming into play here, because there shouldn’t be conflict—both parties should have been able to complete their turns safely at the same time. If there are no laws in his state regarding what lane to turn into, any collision would be on Calzone. If there are laws, it’s at worst a 50/50 for him.
Personally, I think he should have waited. Legally, I see no reason why he needed to wait. Balance, it’s not worth the bother... be prepared for the dicks and let them dick.
![]() 06/19/2017 at 13:57 |
Well then he/she is a dick but you’d still be legally at fault barring the NBA analogy there
![]() 06/19/2017 at 20:23 |
I don’t get it... This is proving you were right.
He was in the far right lane and should have turned into the far right lane.
99% of the time it’s not a big deal at all to take a wider turn in cases like these (one lane/one car turning into two lanes) but unfortunately this case was the 1%, but luckily not disastrous.
![]() 06/20/2017 at 13:50 |
You are right
![]() 06/22/2017 at 14:05 |
In colorado, lane changes are illegal in intersections, so the red rectangle would have been in the wrong. Left turn has to yield of course, but there would be no need to, assuming both cars stay in their respective lanes.
![]() 06/22/2017 at 14:35 |
Regardless of legality and fault, I would NEVER turn left while someone else is turning right. Sure with dedicated lanes, most states say you turn into your lane and this should be fine. But I have very rarely seen anyone make turns properly, its just not worth the risk.
In this case, if by “truck” you meant a semi or box truck or something like that, then it makes sense to take a wider turn so as to avoid running over the curb. But otherwise, there is no point in not turning into his own lane. It just is the defensive choice to do either way.